Every business needs to have an efficient
way for employees to connect to the Internet. If your company is still
struggling with slow connections you need to consider adding business Internetservice to your office. New technologies
require faster and more reliable service. One way to provide this is by
utilizing T1 Internet connections. The T1 line speed far surpasses the speed
available with dial-up and other slow connections. Dial-up generally offers less
than 56 Kbps while a T1 connection is capable of offering T1 line speed of more
than 50 Mbps.

A DSL or ADSL are both available as a
business Internet service as well and provide basic technology for
communication. The T1 Internet connection is more advanced because it is offers
more flexibility. The T1connection can be used for both incoming and outgoing
connections as needed. This means that
you don’t have to dedicate a T1 Internet line to a specific purpose. The T1line
speed is faster than most other types of connections you will find.
The T1 Internet connection utilizes eitherfiber or copper lines. The options will depend on the availability of the local
provider. Both offer high speed T1 Internet connection to the provider. A
single T1 connection or line provides 23 channels that can be used for
communication at the same time while offering a fast T1 line speed. The T1 line
speed or bandwidth gives you the ability to use any open channel as it becomes
available. For this reason, you can share a T1 Internet connection with up to
about 80 users.
The T1 Internet connection is provided and
connects into your telephone system or through a router for digital communications.
The T1 connection offers a high quality business Internet service that is used
for both voice and data. T1 Internet services offer businesses high quality
communication at affordable pricing. The T1 connection also allows you to
utilize advanced features that require additional bandwidth such as video
conferencing. The T1 line speed will give you the ability to do all the things
you need to do and then some.
The T1 line speed is in itself a good
reason to consider using this business Internet service option. You’ll get more
productivity from your employees because of the high T1 line speed. Businesses who want to learn more about adding
T1 Internet to their communication options should contact a business Internet
service provider such as BroadConnect Telecom. They offer a wide variety of business
Internet services including T1 Internet services.
The reliability of the T1 Internet connection is quite good. The T1 connection also gives you plenty of flexibility. With a T1 connection you are able to make both voice and data connections. While you can access the Internet using a simple telephone circuit, a T1 connection makes more sense because you can use it for both voice and data connectivity at the same time.