Tuesday, May 15, 2012

SIP Trunking as a Strategic Advantage

Many businesses considering deploying a SIP trunking solution have concerns regarding voice clarity and quality. Luckily, this does not have to be a concern if Quality of Service (QoS) is adequately adhered to. Some examples of proper QoS measures include: correct link provisioning, and prioritizing voice over data traffic. Speaking solely in terms of reliability, however, SIP trunks rank far superior than their conventional PSTN counterparts due partly to the fact that a multitude of fail over solutions can quickly be implemented.

In recent years, the small to midsized business market flocked to VoIP in record-breaking numbers; however, a large number of those businesses are utilizing VoIP for the sole purpose of communications on the corporate local area network. Meaning that VoIP is only being utilized as a medium of facilitating internal calling, but, all calls made outside of the local network are done over the PSTN gateway. While these businesses have executed the potential for solid returns, they have not yet realized the full potential of SIP based communications.

In a SIP trunking scenario, the potential for substantial returns on investment (ROI) is apparent given the ability for SIP trunking to further enhance the already advantageous benefits of VoIP by extending its reach beyond the LAN. It is only when communications are extended outside of the corporate LAN that businesses can begin to fully understand the potentials for IP communications.

SIP trunking delivers many advantages:

a.) The removal of expensive subscriptions like Basic Rate Interfaces and Primary Rate Interfaces.

b.) The freedom to forgo the costly investment in PSTN gateways

c.) The flexibility to grow as needed, at relatively low cost

d.) The resource-saving ability to optimize bandwidth by delivering both voice and data across the same connection

SIP trunking providers are able to offer benefits to the business consumer that the telephone company simply cannot. Although some telephony providers deliver no-charge PRI subscriptions for businesses meeting a minimum monthly calling level, deals like this often end up being a major hindrance. Experienced SIP providers have perfected their delivery method and therefore can offer more competitive pricing and service structure than the local phone company.

The cost effectiveness of a true SIP solution is realized by replacing an existing PSTN gateway / PRI installation with a SIP trunk or edge device. When deployed correctly, return on investment (ROI) should be realized in a matter of months. In most scenarios, the costs associated with deploying a SIP capable edge device is less than that of installing a new PSTN gateway – making it a wiser and more cost effective investment.

For more information on SIP Trunking please feel free to visit our website.

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